Friday, September 18, 2009

Let's Take on the World Today!

Ham it up!

None of it would ever have happened if Apple hadn’t manufactured the iPod.

You know what I’m referring to: that small box, about the size of a deck of cards or smaller (depending on the model) that stores and downloads audio files.

My world-travelled cousin Wayne brought back the most recent model… the size of a postage stamp! I’m not kidding! Teenie tiny!

There is no mistaking that the online culture would take on Apple’s technology and rework it for business.

So now, the iPod fever has businesses offering audio and video samples for their customers.

They call them podcasts. You are probably producing podcasts yourself.

The term "podcast" is no longer specifically associated to the iPod as it refers to any combination of software and hardware that allows its users to automatically download and store recorded digital audio files distributed through an RSS feed.

You love to talk? If not, get someone who does. And you build podcasts to offer verbal and visual products and information to your customer base.

Where else can you submit podcasts?

I was surprised when I found out that you can submit yours to 84 different places!

Where to Submit Your Podcasts: Best Podcast Search Engines and Directories

This link takes you to a resource where you will find a comprehensive list of all the places (search engines and directories) where you can promote your business through your podcasts.

Podcasts are a terrific marketing tool and so easy to produce. But until now, you probably didn't know the best places to publish them. Now that you know, ham it up!

Want more independence?

If you had no technical expertise, how would you make money on the internet? You probably need to sell a product or service.

What if you didn’t have a product or service just now? Borrow one!

What? Yes, borrow one, sell it from your blog or website, and earn a percentage of the cost of the product or service.

The best resource for affiliate products – those products that owners allow you to sell for a percentage of the profits – is Clickbank.

You would create an account, get your own hoplink (which means your code name that separates you from the pack) and resell it for yourself.

The money generated will fill your Clickbank account, you will receive a cheque in the mail, and wha-la!

Passive income. And you can recreate this little formula over and over.

In fact, I found a product that looked interesting that explains the entire process!

Click here if you’re interested in making money on Clickbank.

Yes but… I hear you mumbling. So how can you let people know you have a product for sale? Where do you get the traffic for your blog or web sales page?

That’s where social media comes in. Right now, Twitter and Facebook allow anybody to build a list of followers.

You can tell them about your Clickbank product and share it with your Twitter or Facebook friends.

It's so simple once you see it for yourself.

PS - Remember to set yourself up in Twitter and Facebook. They’re the idea tools to get your podcast messages out as well.

have a wonderful day and great job today!


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