Sunday, February 8, 2009

Guest Article: Newsletter Success

10 Tips To Make Your Newsletters A Sure-Fire Success"

1. Sending out newsletters is one of THE best ways of building relationships with clients. Email is quickest and cheapest so it’s the one I personally prefer most of the time. That said, email is a funny thing – you need to make sure your email newsletters aren’t too heavily sales based. Make sure to include lots of free tips and tricks for clients (as well as your latest offers) so that they look forward to them arriving and open them with anticipation of picking up some new bit of info.

2. Your weekly newsletters are doing lots of your work for you. They are relationship building between you and your clients. If you’re sending them via email, try to make sure to send them each and every week. Even if you’ve run out of time, and it’s just a short tip for the week and nothing else, never skip a week if at all possible. Keep that relationship up and over time you’ll find more and more of them book in regularly.

3. Are you adding all your new clients to your email list? Every single new client or enquiry should be added onto your list. That way you’ll get the best coverage and the most responses.

4. Statistics show that most people only read about one in every 4 emails they receive properly. So if you are sending them a weekly newsletter, they are probably only reading one of them fully once a month. This doesn’t mean you should drop your frequency down to once a month though! If you do this, that means they would only be reading one email from you once every 4 months... which really is not very often! So keep it at once a week and know that you’re getting at least one quality bit of contact with your clients per month.

5. There’s been lots of research and most statistics show that it takes between 5 and 7 contacts with a new client before they want to book or buy. So if you add a new client on your mailing list, it might be several weeks before they then book in to see you. But remember if you don’t put them on your mailing list, you won’t have any contact with them and they may never book. So add all new clients on asap.

6. Getting some clients unsubscribe from your newsletter? Not a problem. It’s very common with email marketing that clients will unsubscribe when they are too busy to read your emails. HOWEVER, it’s also very common for clients to wish to re-subscribe later when they’ve got more time or energy to devote to whatever it is you are offering them. So always be polite and never take an unsubscription personally. If you’re highly professional and always welcoming they may well be back in the future.

7. If someone asks to unsubscribe from your newsletter but you can’t see their email address on your list, ask them if they have an alias or another email address. Many people now days have 3 or 4 different email accounts and if they’ve subscribed to your newsletter under a different email address, you’ll need to know what that is to remove it.

8. ... >> to read the rest and get the last 3 tips go to >>

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Rebecca Kepple specializes in helping business owners massively increase their client base and profits. To get instant access to her free insider secrets seminar ‘The Top 7 Secrets for Massively Increasing Your Client Base' visit:

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