Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Salesletter Architecture

Many writers have many ideas of what works best in a salesletter. The standard comprises these elements:

1. Get attention.

2. Arouse the emotions (people buy purely out of emotion and not logic).

3. "Show & Tell" an interesting story - short story called a lead.

4. Offer a sales argument to prove the results you say they'll get.

5. Ask them to take action immediately and do what your salesletter is designed to do - sell, phone, go to, click here, or just plan ask for more information.

In order for this process to work for you, you must add one more important element: your own special rhythm and energy to the letter.

And let me clarify first what I mean by salesletter:

Salesletters can be:

- your web page
- your direct mail package
- postcard
- ad
- advertorial
- whatever you design to attract attention

So back to rhythm and energy. You have a way about you that oozes out of your words. I think you know what I mean. Your readers pick up on that.

Are you smooth, persuasive?

Are you blunt and loud?

Are you loving, caring and want to make a difference?

Heck, maybe your greed is coming through.

Whatever your style and tone, you will get what you put out there. Be it junk, value, truth or dare.

So take a moment to notice how you feel just before you write.

It'll surprise you.

Have a great day, and catch you later,


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