Friday, January 30, 2009

The Top Strategy To Stay Sane In Your Business

Reading about marketing and optimization and finding the best software to help build web sites into sought-after content can get overwhelming.

So I shifted to some self-development books lately and found out that they all have this underlying premise:

Are you having fun?

Got me thinking – that’s what life’s about – enjoying what we do and living moment to moment in that bliss.

I hear your grumbling, “Yeah, that’s pretty hard. Try it in my shoes!”

Nope – won’t fit – and neither should you try on anyone else’s shoes.

Only you know what you do to enjoy your life more.

What would happen if you took more vacation time off?

What’s your real reason for setting up a web site, business or stay employed?

Who else do you know could help you get more business?

The bottom line is, enjoy yourself because this illusion you live will end sooner than you think and then what? What are you missing out on?

Have fun, enjoy your life and when you need extra help optimizing your websites, visit me at for some tips.

Great job today,

Friday, January 16, 2009

But must change your Mind!

Before I go into detail about SE - Search Engine Optimization - I wish that all your efforts at getting your web site or any marketing materials work wonders for you.

Only when you are "feeling" good about allowing the clients, customers and of course moneeey into your life will more come in. I'm serious - if you want tecnology, income, success, you must first believe you already have it. Only then will it come in greater amounts to you. Here's why I say this.

In order for all your efforts at optimizing your web sites and writing persuasive copy for your marketing materials, you need only to change your frame of mind and your way of thinking into that of already being a success.

Becoming successful and rich is something that originates in the mind. The difference in mindset and thinking habits between those who are rich and those who stuggle is as simple as what you believe you deserve.

I'll make some reading recommendations in the next blog post. In the mean time I wish to give you some insight into what SEO - Search Engine Optimization is and how it can help your online exposure.

In a nutshell, EEO is the process that helps you increase the ranking of your website in Google’s (or another search engine’s) “organic” search results.

If you’re wondering what's “organic” as it applies to search results, let me explain …

There are two ways a web page can appear on a search engine’s results page.

One is if the search engine like Google, places it there because you are paying for it with a PPC - Pay Per Click - ad.

Here's an example of a PPC ad. Go to Google and do a search for the phrase “holiday.” Just under the blue bar, in the right hand column, you’ll see the heading labeled “sponsored links.” And directly underneath them, you’ll find the PPC ads.

A second way is when the search engine determines your Web page is relevant from a specific keyword or phrase being searched.

Because these are complementary search results, and show up on the results page naturally, they’re referred to as “organic.”

SEO is the process that improves your organic search results. This is done by strategically placing specific keywords or phrases into your words.

Now here's the 5 step PROCESS to develop SEO copy for any of your web pages:

  1. List the key phrases you'll use in your web page. How do you find them? You can go to these free google software applications and find out who's typing what words from your niche market, and
  2. Write out key "titles" and "subtitles" you would like to include on your web pages that comprise the keywords that people are asking for. I'll go into detail in a later ezine of how to develop the titles.Make them good titles!
  3. Write the copy for your web page first - big picture to narrow - free flow - then insert the key phrase headlines and subheads throughout. Note: search engines ignore and's or buts so they don't count for anything.
  4. Go into your current web page, Right Click, View Source and find key phrase density you are currently using. If the new ones you've developed aren't in your keyword density groupings, change the density phrases to your new suggestions Note: should be a 5.5% word density per 250 word count.
  5. Use 5-7 keyword tags for the blue metatags line above web site (white list concept - so search engines don't ban you) (more on that later as well).Extra note: add incoming links - search engines love links, links, links.

There you have it in a nutshell - SEO.

Enjoy and until next time, great job today!
