Tuesday, July 21, 2009

2 Articles and a Blog Post!

. . . And I didn’t Pay a Cent!

Over the years I’ve helped website owners get their sites ranked in the top 10 – 20 so their customers could find them and buy from them.

I used a simple model. 2 articles and a blog post!

Sounds ridiculously ridiculous? Well it works!

My website salesletter.ca has been ranked in the top 8 in Google ever since I used this rank building model. And it took less than a week to get there. Furthermore, it didn’t cost me a cent!

I’ve shared this simple secret for years and those who believed me, got top ranking. Those who didn’t believe me or took no action, well, they still sit in the 100,000th place and wonder why they don’t get any traffic.

So why build a website?

Couple of reasons. The most important, however, is to share what you have to offer. You sell yourself and your products or services.

Getting your website indexed and ranking within Google, Yahoo and MSN has to be a priority when creating a site. Otherwise, why bother!

But you already know this.

You may have built the greatest site ever but if you don’t generate traffic then you have wasted your time. Getting people to visit your site and act on what you have to offer is the key to making money online.

I’m here to share my experience and that not only was it simple, it didn’t cost me a cent!

How do you write your articles?

I don’t know how many times I’ve tried to tell people – the title is the key!

Most people spend 20 minutes or more- days sometimes - on the content and a couple of minutes writing a title and the resource box. Wrong!

The title is what your target market will see in Google or other search engines. So why wouldn’t you spend time making it powerful, attractive and the key message as your Keyword phrase?

I love golf. Here's me at the prestigious Maligne Lake in Jasper Park, Jasper, Alberta. I mention this because along with me, there are people who search for swing improvement, score reduction methods, best clubs, and of course finest golf courses.

They don’t search general, they search specific.

So I did a quick search for Big Bertha Here’s what came up. The title is specific and the first paragraph tells you what you want to hear – forgiveness! Golfers know what that means.

Callaway Golf Big Bertha Irons

The new Big Bertha Iron set takes forgiveness to new heights by integrating a set of clubs featuring the new i-brids – clubs designed to replace hard-to-hit ...

Specific is good.

But better would have been to put the word “forgiveness” right in the title. Because your readers read titles first, you have to let them know what you’re offering in your articles and websites right now. “How Big Bertha Iron Forgives The Worst Swings!”

I can attest to that myself! I own Big Bertha and she loves me!

The better your title the more people you will get to read your content.

The content of course is informative and tells your customers all about the good points of your product or service. And you have got to make people want it.

Appeal to their emotions as well as their ego. If you are writing about a putter tell them how it will improve their golf.

If it’s a new coffee machine, tell them how it’s the latest technology available and how all their guests will respect them for making such great coffee. Give them reasons to buy what you have to offer. By the time they get to the end of the article they will be eager to find out more.

And that’s the secret – they will click on your website or give you a call directly.

The article has another critical element that people seem to forget about. The author or Resource box.

Here’s how most people write their bios at the end of an article:

“Patricia Ogilvie has been golfing for twenty years and is considered by some to be an expert with driver techniques. Visit www.patriciaogilvie.com for more details.”

Putting the web address is important. That is called a backlink and search engines algorithms (formulas pick that up and give your site credibility) Backlinks are the backbone of higher rankings!

Here’s the catch. If you are writing your resource boxes like this one then you are losing visitors. If you are getting clickthrough rates from your ezine articles anyway between 20 and 30% = then congratulations – I stand corrected.

However, if not then you need to change your resource box.

Make your new resource box compelling and make people want to find out more.

“Now you have discovered why the Callaway Big Bertha is the best driver on the market click the following link to find out how you can add an extra 50 yards to your teeshots.”

Use anchor text so that they can click on “Callaway Big Bertha”. This way it takes the reader to your site and Google loves the backlinks!

You articles represents a complete sales presentation. Your Title is the opening, the content is the sales pitch and the resource box is the close. Just like in normal sales, it’s the close that separates the ordinary salesmen from the great salesmen.

I mentioned that having backlinks is the BACKBONE of having good quality articles that rank well and drive traffic. That means you don’t need to spend money on PPC.

Once you get into the 5 or 6 of the top 10 rankings in Google you can rest assured that your competition is probably spending several hundred dollars to get the same traffic you are getting. Feels good doesn’t it!

The most important part of any campaign is the promotion of your blog posts and website. The more promotion you do the more traffic you receive and the more income you make.

Hope you enjoyed this post and remember,

Great Job!


P.S. Time Sensitive

For those of you who want even more information about how to generate traffic and build a website that can give you income, On July 23rd noted web expert Nick Usborne is going to reveal his step-by-step formula for turning a few “spare time” hours a week into over $5,000 in passive (money while you sleep) income each and every month.

I invite you to listen to the call absolutely FREE!

Nick has agreed to “spill the beans” about his money-making website formula.

You will get your questions answered like:

• What is a money-making website?
• Why is now the time to get started?
• What exactly is passive income and why do you want it?
• How you get your website online?
• How you find a great topic for your website?
• How long will it take until you start making money?

Whether you’re tired of your current job, or looking to make more money on the side, this is the perfect opportunity for you.

Register here: How to Write a Money-Making Website.

Friday, July 17, 2009

The Courage To Be A Business Hero

The Courage To Be A Confident Business Success Hero –
How to get from where you are to where you want to be

Renowned copywriter Bill Bonner of AWAI explains, "Stories are the way we understand the world around us. In marketing material, they are a very powerful way to draw your reader in."

He further explains that a good story begins in the middle. It has a hero. The hero has a conflict. The conflict is resolved emotionally.

What’s your marketing story?

As I let that statement sift through my brain, I was reminded that our lives unfold based on the stories that we tell ourselves. We like to attach ourselves to the conflicts because we forget how they started. Hence we stay in the middle and don’t always know how to resolve them. We forget this one important fact: we are the heroes of our own destinies!

Those moments that infiltrate our experiences good, bad and ugly, are those that we give judgment energy into and believe 100% of the time. Those moments are the key to our shifting out of the conflict and bringing alignment from where we are to what we want.

In business, it’s no different.

If your Business goals are scattered, limp, hypnotic (dreamy, without substance) or non-existent, you’ve been telling yourself a conflicted story. If your Business goals are authentic (what you truly want because you believe in yourself) you’ve been telling yourself a success story.

See what I mean? I think it’s about time you told yourself HERO stories about how to build your business successes – another way of stating the obvious: self-confidence!

Here are 8 confident boosting business HERO steps you can implement immediately and build up your business success blueprint.

Confident Business Hero Step 1. Today is your only concern. Think about it. How much control do you have over tomorrow or yesterday? NONE! Said differently, focus on the present moment. To do this you may need to set up time management plans. Include your daily activities, work, and entertainment, relax time, family time and what’s important for you to do moment by moment. When you set time plans, you are your own HERO and building confidence to spend your time wisely.

Confident Business Hero Step 2. Write out your plans. As you write your plans, consider how you will deal with the world around you. Write those plans out in a story of what you want to see yourself accomplishing. Does your story of what you want represent what you are doing, being and living? Respect your dreams, then you respect yourself and others – it’s that contagious. You be the HERO right now.

Confident Business Hero Step 3. Add one new confidence building strategy each day. For example, if your daily routine consists of drinking only one glass of water, top it up. Drink two! This way, you start telling yourself you respect your body and your health. If you don’t know the value of increased water, let me share just this one point. The added water flushes out toxins, crude, and anything your body doesn’t need! You’ll just feel better for it

Confident Business Hero Step 4. Move more! Yes, it could be called exercise, however, I just call it move more! Plan today to walk fifteen minutes. That’s it! – take the stairs on your break, go up, come down, and get on with your day. The more effort you put into building a positive you, the more you will gain confidence that you are indeed, your own best HERO.

Confident Business Hero Step 5. Manage the time you do have. If you are working long hours, learn to manage your time – better yet, learn to work easier and with less effort. Sound impossible? Look at it this way. Overworking yourself is leading you nowhere but to poor health. You need to take time out for you. So one of the first HERO tips you can apply is to handle only your most complex problems. That’s it. Complex for you is probably different than complex for me. Complex could be boring, or difficult, or stressful. Complex could be relationship oriented or lone-wolf oriented. Which feels the most challenging for you? Do that and only that. Leave the simple alone – for now. The magic behind this task management is that you will feel relief, feel good about yourself, and feel great about having slayed the monster! Remember, you’re the HERO!

Confident Business Hero Step 6. Set a time that is best for you. For instance, if you do your best job in the early morning, take that complex task and get it done. The rest of the day is for you to relax through.

Confident Business Hero Step 7. Relax: Here’s a trip that adds relaxation in moments: Stretch in the morning when you arise, stretch in the afternoon, and stretch at night to relax your muscles. Find more ways that relax you and add one per day. Once you learn how to relax, you can move to find ways to reduce time wasted. For example, in the evening you could lay out your clothes for the next day. This way, you’re not stressed about what to wear in the morning especially for you’re running late. Your time is your link to productivity. Use it wisely. You’re the HERO.

Confident Business Hero Step 8. How to Stop Procrastination. Do you procrastinate? Do you want to stop? Why? First let’s define it. Procrastination is wasting time and building stress because you decided – told yourself the story that you can leave this yet another hour, day, week, year, maybe never get it done. So let me ask you thin. Is the procrastinated item stressing you more or those around you? Is the procrastinated item of value to you? Or is it something that really isn’t that important to be completed? Will it affect your life? If it affects you in a negative way, write down when you will complete it. Do it as if it is the most important item in your day. Otherwise, delegate it, destroy it, and forget it, permanently. Those pesky hangers on just cloud your success. They are stories – lies - you tell yourself. So go ahead, HERO, keep telling your story, or change it. It’s up to you.

I hope you’ve enjoyed this article. I’m adding one more step. Learn to say NO. You know who you are. Saying no is a great way to improve your business success. Saying no is a positive attitude that builds confidence. If you say yes to each person that consumes your time, you will waste valuable time that guides you nowhere. No is your friend. You will discern what to say no and what to say yes to with practice – start today.

Great Job!


You may share this article, just let your readers know it came from me, Patricia Ogilvie. Send them to my new website: