Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Do You Make These Mistakes On Your Website?

Dear Reader,

I finally got my husband to to pick out the too-tight and too-old clothes in our closets. Phew what a relief.

Now the good clothes don't get wrinkled and bunched due to lack of space. And best of all, the reduced "clutter" makes finding a shirt or pair of slacks easier to see.

Got me thinking about web sites!

So go ahead and read this short article about how to clear up clutter on your own website.

Have You Experienced The Disaster of Clutter?

Take a good look at your website.

How easy is it to find the main idea or the actual product you're selling? Is your main objective clouded with graphics, flash, and too dark, too cluttered with ideas?

Are you asking too much of your visitor?

A recent prospect asked me to take a look on his site and make suggestions how he could increase his sales potential.

I looked and I saw my husband's closet! I had no idea what his product was - in fact, I couldn't find it for almost 10 minutes.

Now do you think a normal web searcher is going to spend 10 minutes looking for your main product or service?

I think we agree on this one. NO!

It's all this clutter. And I'm going to say it straight: clutter on your website equates to no marketing skill - that's it.

Clutter doesn't work.

Focus sells.

"Good writing" says copywriter Michael Masterson, "is clear writing. Pick one idea and zero in on that with everything you've got."

Clutter that forces your eyes to shift here, there, everywhere is painful.

The brain can't handle it and so quits looking. In fact, the brain finds just one thing to look for and ignores the rest.

You've lost your sale if they're looking at the wrong elements.

How can you declutter your website and leave the important information in?

Print out your page, and get one of your top customers to red-mark (just like in school) the lines and items that are not important.

You'll be surprised and pleased at the results.

How Usable Is Your Web Site?

Here's a quick short list of what your optimized, customer-focused website requires in order to attract your niche target market:

A simple, clean design that focuses on your customer needs versus overblown designs, overly word text or overbearing visual gimmicks.

Easy navigation or access to your solutions you offer, without being too busy or confusing.

Detailed information in the form of other pages or links within just one or two clicks; any more can be frustrating for your customer.

Appropriate and helpful graphics that balance with descriptive text.
And of course, a logical information hierarchy, with menus that guide customers to what they need.

Ready to rescue your website from drowning? Put in relevancy instead! Getting your prospects to act by calling you, ordering your product, subscribing to your ezine... can feel like pulling a Jeep out of a frozen lake! You need the right tools, the right resources and the desire!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

"Gag me with a Spoon!"

There were 7 of us scrunched around the bench'd
table at the newest (and fancy!) restaurant last night.

We were celebrating our friend Mari-Lyn's greatest adventure yet!

She's moved south of the border into a hot climate state in the
U.S. And she's getting married! Woo-hoo! and Congrats.

The topic of conversation was hot - not about the state of
the economy but hot about the "attitudes" about the economy.

You know what I mean?

I think most of you will agree that if we had to listen to
any more sad, sappy, pathetic tones of voice, head wagging,
“Yeah, it’s really tough out there. It’s the economy, you know,”
I'm going to barf! Gag me with a spoon! That's how we
responded as kids and it stuck whenever I hear sad sacks.

I'm going to be brutally honest here.

The ladies last night, and more friends I've spoken to over
the past several weeks all agree on one thing - there
is so much opportunity right now - if not working for
someone else, then, working for yourself, online!

There just is!

We're a small representation of the general population.
We realized that some of us were having the best
business boom of our lives.

Others were handling things well.

A few, wanted more.

What I heard over and over was "How can I start
my own business?" "What would I do on the web?"

There's a lot of hype out there and you certainly
don't want to waste your time or spend ca^sh on
ideas that don't work.

So I did some research. I actually spent a lot of time
in Tampa recently, brushing up on the virtues of
optimizing web sites so web's get noticed.

That's not why I'm writing today.

Today, I have a special announcement.

What do you need to know and do to get a web site up
and running and generating income?

You’ve got check out this "Canadian" designed program
about how to capture your imagination and create your own
mon^ey-making website!

It's the perfect solution for you. Hundreds of
your fellow entrepreneurs and web business
builders are already living the magic and exploding
their growth, results, incomes, and all those other
things we dream of having.

They've done it with their own online business.

And in case you can't imagine yourself as a full-fledged
business person, guess what? A hobby will do just as well!

I'm talking too much. Please just check this out.


If you're ready to get your web feet wet and ready to
laugh hysterically in the face of the rotten economy
and be the gallant hero in the lives of those people
who cherish what you offer, go now and check out this
little program. - Canadian born! (sorry about the
Canuck plugs to our American readers).

How would you like to get up in the mornings
turbo-charged knowing your online business is growing,
that you're being paid even in your sleep?

This rocks!

Well, I’ve devoted a chunk of my life, for almost
10 years with this ezine, giving you a ton of resources
about how to write, where to place the emphasis,
offering specialty workshops to guide you through
attracting the "ideal" client and
I've got more in me!

You'll hear about self-motivation, finding and
closing clients, more writing great copy ...

so stay tuned...

For now, why not do yourself a favour and get to this
site and check out how you could earn more to
supplement your expenses.

Want to find out how others do all that?


Even if you have a website up and running and earning,
this program will enhance your strategy even bigger than

Have a wonderful day and great job today!


P.S. Happy Web Business Building! Stay tuned for some real
adventure information about how to get that web site up
in the rankings and how to guarantee people will find you out
of the billions of sites out there!