Saturday, April 18, 2009

Thank You Susan Boyle!

Maybe you’ve met her, along with the over 4 millions u-tube viewers!

A few weeks ago, Susan was alone and lonely. She freely admitted she’d never even been kissed. And at 47, life had nearly passed her by.

One glance at the woman and you could take off into imagination judgments, all over the board!

After all – haven’t our social environments, movies and TV taught us that successful people are good-looking, intelligent, talented and, l … cool?

And haven’t they also taught us that people who look like Susan are dim-witted, ungifted, worthless?

You have to see it to believe it: the judges, the audience, scoffed.

When Susan dared share her dream of singing on stage, most people only snickered at her …

When she said she would audition for the British version of American Idol, the laughing grew louder …

Because, after all: Everyone knows that singing stars never, ever look like Susan.

Then I knew how she effected me and what I had to do next.

I too was moved to tears, with appreciation, admiration and heart-felt “you go girl!” sentiment that tingled up and down my legs!

The truth is, people, what is reflected from others, demonstrates the feelings we need to deal within ourselves.

For me, Susan reflected my own fears of being an underdog, but why?

Because I believed I was.

I believed I was less than others, beneath those who told me so. More importantly, I learned not to ask for the contract, the money, the dream - and you know what else?

Most of the time, I didn’t even know it (90% of our actions are motivated by our subconscious!) “You won’t get it anyway, Patricia! And if you did ask, they’ll screech at you for asking and making their lives les miserabe!

Well you get the drift.

I’m certain Susan Boyle no longer feels like the underdog - at her age, I think she understood there comes a time to step out on that stage and sing for her life.

If you haven't heard her, please check her out here:

Thank you Susan Boyle!

Friday, April 10, 2009

Meet This Single Mom, Retired at 30!

I am so excited about what I've found! I've been really eager to share this with you. Your world is about to change as I introduce you to two people with incredible stories of financial freedom, success and millions plus they're totally authentic, real people just like you and me!

They captured my attention when I learned they haven’t always lived in wealth and abundance - they were once seekers too! Along the way they learned, designed and implemented the most powerful tools available anywhere to bust through blocks that separated them from wealth.

The result? Two people who could be retired for life (even in this economy) but they're not because they want to help you, me and everyone they can enjoy the same amazing abundance.

Let me share a quick highlight of their stories:

She started out selling baby wipes out of her junky green minivan when she was 21, by 27 was selling deals in excess of $100,000,000 and retired for life as a single mom by age 30.

He's a leading expert in the transformation of subconscious blocks utilizing cutting-edge tools that only spiritual masters and mystics have known.

Together, they are a husband and wife and a powerhouse team with a radio show that catapulted to #4 on iTunes after only 3 months on the air. Their names are Kristin and David Morelli.

Why do I believe all of this matters to you?

Click on this link and watch a brief video of Kristin and David sharing in their own words what they have in store for you. Find out what I mean when I say, "Your world is about to change..."

Patricia Ogilvie

P.S. by the way, I was lucky enough to have a coaching session with them. And in 5 seconds! Yes, 5 seconds, David pinpointed my dense, dark, heavy block to my receiving abundance and money! And the tools in my arsenal now are making shifts for me almost like energized magic. It is true – Everything is energy and it’s time to shift. Check their short video because more is coming!

Twitter: Why use Another Social Networking Tool? Micro-blogging using 140 characters to tell your followers what you are up to.

So what is the big attraction?

Probably because everyone else is doing it!

You can use it send people to your blog, site, announce workshops and more. You can also share that you just grabbed a cuppa and donut at Tim’s. Or you got out of the tub, shiny and clean! – Is that what you want the world to know? Maybe.

Here is what some internet marketers are doing.

The use Twitter to track information and interview content for e-books and articles. They use to shorten URL’s.

They use it to spread the latest news. And Mr. Kutcher, Demi Moore herself used it to help a woman from injuring herself. Kind heart that she is.

I read recently that Saul Colt, VP FreshBooks Marketing says that Twitter is an easy way to find out what your customers are thinking and doing.

Use their tool, to track what other Twitter users are saying about you, or keep track of what they are doing without being a follower.

And this is interesting too.

You know how powerful submitting articles can be to your business presence. Well twitter now has a writing article facet as well. Check out

I’m directing you to my twitwall site – I haven’t posted anything yet – I’m all for ezine articles personally. In fact, check out the latest of mine here:

Anyway, I’m wandering here. Not wondering, wandering.

You’ll get out of Twitter what you put in.

Test it, have fun, and despite Twitter seemingly useless tweets, you can use other applications to make it easier to manoeuvre in. I use to scan easily what’s happening. I also use This categories tweets into manageable chunks. So when I need some content for my blog or article, I go into a heading and find out more links and info that will support a new idea.

Wait – there’s more:

Did you know you can add pictures? Add photos using Twitter – and don’t forget to shorten the URL through Now what is this? This site allows you to shorten and track URL’s as well as who is visiting your links. It also keeps track of the top 10 links with the most clicks in the last hour. Good info especially for those who love info!

Wow, head swimming?

Have a tweet day, and great job everyone!

Patricia Ogilvie
Follow me on Twitter!

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Funny Thing Happened On My Way to Work

Are there Auto Bargains out there? Right Now, Absolutely!

Check this out:

Honest to goodness, if it weren't for my passenger confirming what I saw, I wouldn't have believed it.

This Hybrid - little box on wheels - whipped by me doing over 120 kilometers. I thought she was a mini flying saucer hydo-planing (levitating) at least a foot off the pavement.

There she was, gone!

I wanted you to know that if you still dream of that sport car, the hybrids are becoming sleeker, faster, and cheaper than ever.

And check out these deals. Especially today.

Stay cool,