Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Why I'm proud to be Canadian

Will you give this to my Daddy?

Last week I was in Toronto , Ontario attending a conference. While I was in the airport, returning home, I heard several people behind me beginning to clap and cheer. I immediately turned around and witnessed one of the greatest acts of patriotism I have ever seen.

Moving through the terminal was a group of soldiers in their camos. As they began heading to their gate, everyone (well almost everyone) was abruptly to their feet with their hands waving and cheering.

When I saw the soldiers, probably 30-40 of them, being applauded and cheered for, it hit me. I'm not alone. I'm not the only Canadian who still loves this country and supports our troops and their families.

I immediately stopped and began clapping for these young unsung heroes who are putting their lives on the line everyday for us so we can go to church, school, work and home without fear or reprisal.

Just when I thought I could not be more proud of my country or of our service men and women, a young girl, not more than 6 or 7 years old, ran up to one of the male soldiers. He kneeled down and said 'hi.'

The little girl then asked him if he would give something to her daddy for her.
The young soldier, who didn't look any older than maybe 22 himself, said he would try and what did she want to give to her Daddy. Then suddenly the little girl grabbed the neck of this soldier, gave him the biggest hug she could muster and then kissed him on the cheek.

The mother of the little girl, who said her daughter's name was Courtney, told the young soldier that her husband was a Soldier and had been in Afghanistan for 11 months now. As the mom was explaining how much her daughter Courtney missed her father, the young soldier began to tear up.

When this temporarily single mom was done explaining her situation, all of the soldiers huddled together for a brief second. Then one of the other servicemen pulled out a military-looking walkie-talkie. They started playing with the device and talking back and forth on it..

After about 10-15 seconds of this, the young soldier walked back over to Courtney, bent down and said this to her, 'I spoke to your daddy and he told me to give this to you.' He then hugged this little girl that he had just met and gave her a kiss on the cheek. He finished by saying 'your daddy told me to tell you that he loves you more than anything and he is coming home very soon.'

The mom at this point was crying almost uncontrollably and as the young soldier stood to his feet, he saluted Courtney and her mom. I was standing no more than 6 feet away from this entire event.

As the soldiers began to leave, heading towards their gate, people resumed their applause. As I stood there applauding and looked around, there were very few dry eyes, including my own. That young soldier in one last act of selflessness, turned around and blew a kiss to Courtney with a tear rolling down his cheek.

We need to remember everyday all of our soldiers and their families and thank God for them and their sacrifices. At the end of the day, it's good to be a Canadian.
RED FRIDAYS ----- Very soon, you will see a great many people wearing Red every Friday. The reason? Canadians who support our troops used to be called the 'silent majority'. We are no longer silent, and are voicing our love of country and home in record breaking numbers.

We are not organized, boisterous or over-bearing. We get no liberal media coverage on TV, to reflect our message or our opinions. Many Canadians, like you, me and all our friends, simply want to recognize that the vast majority of Canadians supports our troops.

Our idea of showing solidarity and support for our troops with dignity and respect starts this Friday -and continues each and every Friday until the troops all come home, sending a deafening message that.. Every Canadian who supports our men and women afar will wear something red.

Let's make Canada on every Friday a sea of red.

If every one of us who loves this country will share this with acquaintances, co-workers, friends, and family. It will not be long before Canada is covered in RED and it will let our troops know the once 'silent' majority is on their side more than ever; certainly more than the media lets on.

The first thing a soldier says when asked 'What can we do to make things better for you?' is...We need your support and your prayers.

Let's get the word out and lead with class and dignity, by example; and wear something red every Friday.

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Halloween Surprise


Did I SCARE YOU ... Have I got a surprise for you
and it’s free! Now that could scare you!

Hello all,

Here’s a quick Halloween note.

I don't know if you've ever heard of I've enjoyed their website and have found it to have very useful business/marketing information.

I got an invitation that said Psychotactics were giving away a workshop they sell for $2500. And that they are doing a test and giving a limited number of copies away absolutely FREE...No charge. This workshop, the Brain Alchemy Masterclass, explains why structure—not marketing—is critical to grow a business effectively.

I’ve actually been using the techniques in a current project. And the most interesting part is that the employees are actually responding to having a structure (system) in place.

In this case, it’s documenting processes in the work environment that hadn’t been documented before. And with some policies in place, people are actually “feeling” better about what they do and what others around them do.

A little like accountability and responsibility defined.

Anyway, a free giveaway like this would normally have a catch of some sort, but this one (strangely) doesn't. You should check it out, and if you find it useful, you should get on the waiting list before it's filled.

I'm sending you this note because I thought this workshop could help you. You should check it out and judge for yourself.

Here's the link:

great job today!


I read somewhere on the page that there's a deadline for this free offer, so have a look and decide.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

To Sing or To Song!

Say goodbye to screeching in the shower – say hello to the freedom of headlining your own BAND!

Choose the easiest and fastest method to becoming a singing sensation, on key, on pitch, full range vocals, and in-demand professional singer…

Singing is EASY - When you have the Basic Foundation

Learning how to sing gives you confidence, a voice people love to listen to, and opprtunities to record your own CD!

Plus, how would you like to start your own band?

It's a lot simpler and possible when you know how to sing.

So I've done some research for you and here's what I found:

Here are 10 Easy Steps to SENSATIONAL SINGING!

If you have always wanted to learn to sing better, sing higher, sing with more power and even go as far as create your own personal SIGNATURE VOICE...go now this popular singing lessons site!

Ready to rock? Click Here!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Get Happy? Easier than you think!

Today, is a Stand-Out Day.

News Flash:
“Happy people earn almost $1 million more in their lifetime than unhappy people.”

I want that for you...

Find Out About HAPPY here!

I found a powerful team to show you how!

Marci Shimoff has sold 14 million copies of her books.
She’s the best expert I know of on happiness and...

She’s teamed up with two jaw-dropping transformational coaches,
David and Kristin Morelli, to bring you a F*R*E*E call.

Find Out about Happy here

In today’s difficult times many people have lost touch with their joy
as they sink into a pit of stress and struggle.
Now’s the time to create true financial freedom that’s fun!

It’s a *F*R*E*E* Call, that can
make a REAL kidding!

Find out about HAPPY right here

You’ll Unlock your Subconscious Blocks
to Your Happiness & Abundance Now...

Check out HAPPY here

Happily Yours,

P.S. They’re the REAL DEAL...All Happy and All Million*aires...
It’s *F*r*e*e*, the choice is yours...Click here to find out more
P.P.S See some Happy Dancing, too...You’ll love it.
Click to see...How Happy is a belief Shift away!

Friday, September 18, 2009

Let's Take on the World Today!

Ham it up!

None of it would ever have happened if Apple hadn’t manufactured the iPod.

You know what I’m referring to: that small box, about the size of a deck of cards or smaller (depending on the model) that stores and downloads audio files.

My world-travelled cousin Wayne brought back the most recent model… the size of a postage stamp! I’m not kidding! Teenie tiny!

There is no mistaking that the online culture would take on Apple’s technology and rework it for business.

So now, the iPod fever has businesses offering audio and video samples for their customers.

They call them podcasts. You are probably producing podcasts yourself.

The term "podcast" is no longer specifically associated to the iPod as it refers to any combination of software and hardware that allows its users to automatically download and store recorded digital audio files distributed through an RSS feed.

You love to talk? If not, get someone who does. And you build podcasts to offer verbal and visual products and information to your customer base.

Where else can you submit podcasts?

I was surprised when I found out that you can submit yours to 84 different places!

Where to Submit Your Podcasts: Best Podcast Search Engines and Directories

This link takes you to a resource where you will find a comprehensive list of all the places (search engines and directories) where you can promote your business through your podcasts.

Podcasts are a terrific marketing tool and so easy to produce. But until now, you probably didn't know the best places to publish them. Now that you know, ham it up!

Want more independence?

If you had no technical expertise, how would you make money on the internet? You probably need to sell a product or service.

What if you didn’t have a product or service just now? Borrow one!

What? Yes, borrow one, sell it from your blog or website, and earn a percentage of the cost of the product or service.

The best resource for affiliate products – those products that owners allow you to sell for a percentage of the profits – is Clickbank.

You would create an account, get your own hoplink (which means your code name that separates you from the pack) and resell it for yourself.

The money generated will fill your Clickbank account, you will receive a cheque in the mail, and wha-la!

Passive income. And you can recreate this little formula over and over.

In fact, I found a product that looked interesting that explains the entire process!

Click here if you’re interested in making money on Clickbank.

Yes but… I hear you mumbling. So how can you let people know you have a product for sale? Where do you get the traffic for your blog or web sales page?

That’s where social media comes in. Right now, Twitter and Facebook allow anybody to build a list of followers.

You can tell them about your Clickbank product and share it with your Twitter or Facebook friends.

It's so simple once you see it for yourself.

PS - Remember to set yourself up in Twitter and Facebook. They’re the idea tools to get your podcast messages out as well.

have a wonderful day and great job today!


Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Your Thoughts Generate Energy - Are They Abundant Or Limiting?

Your thoughts come out of the patterns you live your life from…. What I mean is, what you think comes from the frame-work and context of what you believe.

Changing your thoughts is too difficult – up to 60,000 thoughts comes through each day. Watching and guaging and changing these is near impossible.

So how do you shift and change those beliefs? You don’t – you shift out of the “energy” they create in your body.

This concept is proven in science… and these 2, David and Kristin Morelli show you how to shift the energy instead of rethinking what gets in the way of what you truly desire in your life.

Check out their explanation and experience a sample of changing energy here.

Have a great day and great job!

Friday, August 21, 2009

Story Telling & Bettering Your Economy

The Financial Post section of this mornings Journal ran a full page article “Canada leads the way in anti-drinking driving campaign”.

You’re thinking, what does that have to do with you?

I looked at this from a business perspective and realized the article demonstrated the number one best rule of marketing: convince your customer base by offering alternatives.

So check out the full ezine article plus a lot more about how to increase success in a way I bet you didn’t even realize: Click here for the full story.

Enjoy and Great job today!


Tuesday, July 21, 2009

2 Articles and a Blog Post!

. . . And I didn’t Pay a Cent!

Over the years I’ve helped website owners get their sites ranked in the top 10 – 20 so their customers could find them and buy from them.

I used a simple model. 2 articles and a blog post!

Sounds ridiculously ridiculous? Well it works!

My website has been ranked in the top 8 in Google ever since I used this rank building model. And it took less than a week to get there. Furthermore, it didn’t cost me a cent!

I’ve shared this simple secret for years and those who believed me, got top ranking. Those who didn’t believe me or took no action, well, they still sit in the 100,000th place and wonder why they don’t get any traffic.

So why build a website?

Couple of reasons. The most important, however, is to share what you have to offer. You sell yourself and your products or services.

Getting your website indexed and ranking within Google, Yahoo and MSN has to be a priority when creating a site. Otherwise, why bother!

But you already know this.

You may have built the greatest site ever but if you don’t generate traffic then you have wasted your time. Getting people to visit your site and act on what you have to offer is the key to making money online.

I’m here to share my experience and that not only was it simple, it didn’t cost me a cent!

How do you write your articles?

I don’t know how many times I’ve tried to tell people – the title is the key!

Most people spend 20 minutes or more- days sometimes - on the content and a couple of minutes writing a title and the resource box. Wrong!

The title is what your target market will see in Google or other search engines. So why wouldn’t you spend time making it powerful, attractive and the key message as your Keyword phrase?

I love golf. Here's me at the prestigious Maligne Lake in Jasper Park, Jasper, Alberta. I mention this because along with me, there are people who search for swing improvement, score reduction methods, best clubs, and of course finest golf courses.

They don’t search general, they search specific.

So I did a quick search for Big Bertha Here’s what came up. The title is specific and the first paragraph tells you what you want to hear – forgiveness! Golfers know what that means.

Callaway Golf Big Bertha Irons

The new Big Bertha Iron set takes forgiveness to new heights by integrating a set of clubs featuring the new i-brids – clubs designed to replace hard-to-hit ...

Specific is good.

But better would have been to put the word “forgiveness” right in the title. Because your readers read titles first, you have to let them know what you’re offering in your articles and websites right now. “How Big Bertha Iron Forgives The Worst Swings!”

I can attest to that myself! I own Big Bertha and she loves me!

The better your title the more people you will get to read your content.

The content of course is informative and tells your customers all about the good points of your product or service. And you have got to make people want it.

Appeal to their emotions as well as their ego. If you are writing about a putter tell them how it will improve their golf.

If it’s a new coffee machine, tell them how it’s the latest technology available and how all their guests will respect them for making such great coffee. Give them reasons to buy what you have to offer. By the time they get to the end of the article they will be eager to find out more.

And that’s the secret – they will click on your website or give you a call directly.

The article has another critical element that people seem to forget about. The author or Resource box.

Here’s how most people write their bios at the end of an article:

“Patricia Ogilvie has been golfing for twenty years and is considered by some to be an expert with driver techniques. Visit for more details.”

Putting the web address is important. That is called a backlink and search engines algorithms (formulas pick that up and give your site credibility) Backlinks are the backbone of higher rankings!

Here’s the catch. If you are writing your resource boxes like this one then you are losing visitors. If you are getting clickthrough rates from your ezine articles anyway between 20 and 30% = then congratulations – I stand corrected.

However, if not then you need to change your resource box.

Make your new resource box compelling and make people want to find out more.

“Now you have discovered why the Callaway Big Bertha is the best driver on the market click the following link to find out how you can add an extra 50 yards to your teeshots.”

Use anchor text so that they can click on “Callaway Big Bertha”. This way it takes the reader to your site and Google loves the backlinks!

You articles represents a complete sales presentation. Your Title is the opening, the content is the sales pitch and the resource box is the close. Just like in normal sales, it’s the close that separates the ordinary salesmen from the great salesmen.

I mentioned that having backlinks is the BACKBONE of having good quality articles that rank well and drive traffic. That means you don’t need to spend money on PPC.

Once you get into the 5 or 6 of the top 10 rankings in Google you can rest assured that your competition is probably spending several hundred dollars to get the same traffic you are getting. Feels good doesn’t it!

The most important part of any campaign is the promotion of your blog posts and website. The more promotion you do the more traffic you receive and the more income you make.

Hope you enjoyed this post and remember,

Great Job!


P.S. Time Sensitive

For those of you who want even more information about how to generate traffic and build a website that can give you income, On July 23rd noted web expert Nick Usborne is going to reveal his step-by-step formula for turning a few “spare time” hours a week into over $5,000 in passive (money while you sleep) income each and every month.

I invite you to listen to the call absolutely FREE!

Nick has agreed to “spill the beans” about his money-making website formula.

You will get your questions answered like:

• What is a money-making website?
• Why is now the time to get started?
• What exactly is passive income and why do you want it?
• How you get your website online?
• How you find a great topic for your website?
• How long will it take until you start making money?

Whether you’re tired of your current job, or looking to make more money on the side, this is the perfect opportunity for you.

Register here: How to Write a Money-Making Website.

Friday, July 17, 2009

The Courage To Be A Business Hero

The Courage To Be A Confident Business Success Hero –
How to get from where you are to where you want to be

Renowned copywriter Bill Bonner of AWAI explains, "Stories are the way we understand the world around us. In marketing material, they are a very powerful way to draw your reader in."

He further explains that a good story begins in the middle. It has a hero. The hero has a conflict. The conflict is resolved emotionally.

What’s your marketing story?

As I let that statement sift through my brain, I was reminded that our lives unfold based on the stories that we tell ourselves. We like to attach ourselves to the conflicts because we forget how they started. Hence we stay in the middle and don’t always know how to resolve them. We forget this one important fact: we are the heroes of our own destinies!

Those moments that infiltrate our experiences good, bad and ugly, are those that we give judgment energy into and believe 100% of the time. Those moments are the key to our shifting out of the conflict and bringing alignment from where we are to what we want.

In business, it’s no different.

If your Business goals are scattered, limp, hypnotic (dreamy, without substance) or non-existent, you’ve been telling yourself a conflicted story. If your Business goals are authentic (what you truly want because you believe in yourself) you’ve been telling yourself a success story.

See what I mean? I think it’s about time you told yourself HERO stories about how to build your business successes – another way of stating the obvious: self-confidence!

Here are 8 confident boosting business HERO steps you can implement immediately and build up your business success blueprint.

Confident Business Hero Step 1. Today is your only concern. Think about it. How much control do you have over tomorrow or yesterday? NONE! Said differently, focus on the present moment. To do this you may need to set up time management plans. Include your daily activities, work, and entertainment, relax time, family time and what’s important for you to do moment by moment. When you set time plans, you are your own HERO and building confidence to spend your time wisely.

Confident Business Hero Step 2. Write out your plans. As you write your plans, consider how you will deal with the world around you. Write those plans out in a story of what you want to see yourself accomplishing. Does your story of what you want represent what you are doing, being and living? Respect your dreams, then you respect yourself and others – it’s that contagious. You be the HERO right now.

Confident Business Hero Step 3. Add one new confidence building strategy each day. For example, if your daily routine consists of drinking only one glass of water, top it up. Drink two! This way, you start telling yourself you respect your body and your health. If you don’t know the value of increased water, let me share just this one point. The added water flushes out toxins, crude, and anything your body doesn’t need! You’ll just feel better for it

Confident Business Hero Step 4. Move more! Yes, it could be called exercise, however, I just call it move more! Plan today to walk fifteen minutes. That’s it! – take the stairs on your break, go up, come down, and get on with your day. The more effort you put into building a positive you, the more you will gain confidence that you are indeed, your own best HERO.

Confident Business Hero Step 5. Manage the time you do have. If you are working long hours, learn to manage your time – better yet, learn to work easier and with less effort. Sound impossible? Look at it this way. Overworking yourself is leading you nowhere but to poor health. You need to take time out for you. So one of the first HERO tips you can apply is to handle only your most complex problems. That’s it. Complex for you is probably different than complex for me. Complex could be boring, or difficult, or stressful. Complex could be relationship oriented or lone-wolf oriented. Which feels the most challenging for you? Do that and only that. Leave the simple alone – for now. The magic behind this task management is that you will feel relief, feel good about yourself, and feel great about having slayed the monster! Remember, you’re the HERO!

Confident Business Hero Step 6. Set a time that is best for you. For instance, if you do your best job in the early morning, take that complex task and get it done. The rest of the day is for you to relax through.

Confident Business Hero Step 7. Relax: Here’s a trip that adds relaxation in moments: Stretch in the morning when you arise, stretch in the afternoon, and stretch at night to relax your muscles. Find more ways that relax you and add one per day. Once you learn how to relax, you can move to find ways to reduce time wasted. For example, in the evening you could lay out your clothes for the next day. This way, you’re not stressed about what to wear in the morning especially for you’re running late. Your time is your link to productivity. Use it wisely. You’re the HERO.

Confident Business Hero Step 8. How to Stop Procrastination. Do you procrastinate? Do you want to stop? Why? First let’s define it. Procrastination is wasting time and building stress because you decided – told yourself the story that you can leave this yet another hour, day, week, year, maybe never get it done. So let me ask you thin. Is the procrastinated item stressing you more or those around you? Is the procrastinated item of value to you? Or is it something that really isn’t that important to be completed? Will it affect your life? If it affects you in a negative way, write down when you will complete it. Do it as if it is the most important item in your day. Otherwise, delegate it, destroy it, and forget it, permanently. Those pesky hangers on just cloud your success. They are stories – lies - you tell yourself. So go ahead, HERO, keep telling your story, or change it. It’s up to you.

I hope you’ve enjoyed this article. I’m adding one more step. Learn to say NO. You know who you are. Saying no is a great way to improve your business success. Saying no is a positive attitude that builds confidence. If you say yes to each person that consumes your time, you will waste valuable time that guides you nowhere. No is your friend. You will discern what to say no and what to say yes to with practice – start today.

Great Job!


You may share this article, just let your readers know it came from me, Patricia Ogilvie. Send them to my new website:

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Do You Make These Mistakes On Your Website?

Dear Reader,

I finally got my husband to to pick out the too-tight and too-old clothes in our closets. Phew what a relief.

Now the good clothes don't get wrinkled and bunched due to lack of space. And best of all, the reduced "clutter" makes finding a shirt or pair of slacks easier to see.

Got me thinking about web sites!

So go ahead and read this short article about how to clear up clutter on your own website.

Have You Experienced The Disaster of Clutter?

Take a good look at your website.

How easy is it to find the main idea or the actual product you're selling? Is your main objective clouded with graphics, flash, and too dark, too cluttered with ideas?

Are you asking too much of your visitor?

A recent prospect asked me to take a look on his site and make suggestions how he could increase his sales potential.

I looked and I saw my husband's closet! I had no idea what his product was - in fact, I couldn't find it for almost 10 minutes.

Now do you think a normal web searcher is going to spend 10 minutes looking for your main product or service?

I think we agree on this one. NO!

It's all this clutter. And I'm going to say it straight: clutter on your website equates to no marketing skill - that's it.

Clutter doesn't work.

Focus sells.

"Good writing" says copywriter Michael Masterson, "is clear writing. Pick one idea and zero in on that with everything you've got."

Clutter that forces your eyes to shift here, there, everywhere is painful.

The brain can't handle it and so quits looking. In fact, the brain finds just one thing to look for and ignores the rest.

You've lost your sale if they're looking at the wrong elements.

How can you declutter your website and leave the important information in?

Print out your page, and get one of your top customers to red-mark (just like in school) the lines and items that are not important.

You'll be surprised and pleased at the results.

How Usable Is Your Web Site?

Here's a quick short list of what your optimized, customer-focused website requires in order to attract your niche target market:

A simple, clean design that focuses on your customer needs versus overblown designs, overly word text or overbearing visual gimmicks.

Easy navigation or access to your solutions you offer, without being too busy or confusing.

Detailed information in the form of other pages or links within just one or two clicks; any more can be frustrating for your customer.

Appropriate and helpful graphics that balance with descriptive text.
And of course, a logical information hierarchy, with menus that guide customers to what they need.

Ready to rescue your website from drowning? Put in relevancy instead! Getting your prospects to act by calling you, ordering your product, subscribing to your ezine... can feel like pulling a Jeep out of a frozen lake! You need the right tools, the right resources and the desire!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

"Gag me with a Spoon!"

There were 7 of us scrunched around the bench'd
table at the newest (and fancy!) restaurant last night.

We were celebrating our friend Mari-Lyn's greatest adventure yet!

She's moved south of the border into a hot climate state in the
U.S. And she's getting married! Woo-hoo! and Congrats.

The topic of conversation was hot - not about the state of
the economy but hot about the "attitudes" about the economy.

You know what I mean?

I think most of you will agree that if we had to listen to
any more sad, sappy, pathetic tones of voice, head wagging,
“Yeah, it’s really tough out there. It’s the economy, you know,”
I'm going to barf! Gag me with a spoon! That's how we
responded as kids and it stuck whenever I hear sad sacks.

I'm going to be brutally honest here.

The ladies last night, and more friends I've spoken to over
the past several weeks all agree on one thing - there
is so much opportunity right now - if not working for
someone else, then, working for yourself, online!

There just is!

We're a small representation of the general population.
We realized that some of us were having the best
business boom of our lives.

Others were handling things well.

A few, wanted more.

What I heard over and over was "How can I start
my own business?" "What would I do on the web?"

There's a lot of hype out there and you certainly
don't want to waste your time or spend ca^sh on
ideas that don't work.

So I did some research. I actually spent a lot of time
in Tampa recently, brushing up on the virtues of
optimizing web sites so web's get noticed.

That's not why I'm writing today.

Today, I have a special announcement.

What do you need to know and do to get a web site up
and running and generating income?

You’ve got check out this "Canadian" designed program
about how to capture your imagination and create your own
mon^ey-making website!

It's the perfect solution for you. Hundreds of
your fellow entrepreneurs and web business
builders are already living the magic and exploding
their growth, results, incomes, and all those other
things we dream of having.

They've done it with their own online business.

And in case you can't imagine yourself as a full-fledged
business person, guess what? A hobby will do just as well!

I'm talking too much. Please just check this out.

If you're ready to get your web feet wet and ready to
laugh hysterically in the face of the rotten economy
and be the gallant hero in the lives of those people
who cherish what you offer, go now and check out this
little program. - Canadian born! (sorry about the
Canuck plugs to our American readers).

How would you like to get up in the mornings
turbo-charged knowing your online business is growing,
that you're being paid even in your sleep?

This rocks!

Well, I’ve devoted a chunk of my life, for almost
10 years with this ezine, giving you a ton of resources
about how to write, where to place the emphasis,
offering specialty workshops to guide you through
attracting the "ideal" client and
I've got more in me!

You'll hear about self-motivation, finding and
closing clients, more writing great copy ...

so stay tuned...

For now, why not do yourself a favour and get to this
site and check out how you could earn more to
supplement your expenses.

Want to find out how others do all that?

Even if you have a website up and running and earning,
this program will enhance your strategy even bigger than

Have a wonderful day and great job today!


P.S. Happy Web Business Building! Stay tuned for some real
adventure information about how to get that web site up
in the rankings and how to guarantee people will find you out
of the billions of sites out there!

Friday, May 8, 2009

Merits of Local Advertising

Does Local Adverti^sing Work?

Here in Alberta, we help each other out if we can.

My friend and business associate, Christina Dennis is in the final stages of putting a website and catalog style booklet (Directory) out to 18,000 Parkland County, Alberta residents. You know where Parkland County is if you're from Edmonton, even Calgary.

It's a great opportunity for you to place an ad with her to reach 18,000 potential clients!

Right now, local small business is standing up and making noises!

We hear you!

Heck, Christina for one understands that you want your business to be something you're proud of. Something your kids are proud of for you. Something you can say to yourself any time of day, "Hey, I did something good today!"

Christina understands that as a small business, the challenges of keeping home business growing is important. Adverti^sing her own small business to local home prospects doubled her results. Now she wants to help you too!

You may be interested in putting your ad into this new Directory to 18,000 people this September.

May 31, 2009 is your last chance to sign up to place an ad in the Parkland Business Directory. An ad in the booklet starts at only $199 + GST which includes a web spot as well.

So go ahead and visit for more details or to sign up online.

Christina has extended her coupon offer -- if you sign up for the Directory before May 31, 2009, she will give you a 10% off coupon towards your advertising.

She is also offering a new incentive. For every friend you refer place an ad in the Directory, and if they purchase an ad (any size), she will give you an additional 20% off of your advertising.

Now that's a deal. That means a FR^EE ad if you refer 5 people to the Directory and they purchase a spot! (Referral Incentive Offer Expires May 31, 2009).

Are you a writer? Have valuable insight?

Christina is also looking for individuals to write articles for the directory.

If your submitted article is chosen to be published, you will receive an additional 20% off of your advertising (and your name and contact info can be featured at the bottom of the article).


Here's the topic choices:

--Why shop locally and from a home-based business?
--Benefits of owning a home-based business
--Why do business in Parkland County?
--The top 5 home-based business opportunities for the stay-at-home mom
--Tips on family budgeting in tough economic times and...

Articles on any other topic related to home business & family that would be appropriate and a beneficial read for Parkland County residents. Please let Christina know if you're interested in any of the above, and don't forget to sign up before the end of this month if you haven't already.

Please visit for more details or to sign up online.

Contact Christina Dennis
Graphic Designer - It Factor Designs
Cell: (780) 265-6859

And check her web site here:


There's simply no two ways around it...

Whether you want to start a profitable business ... or dramatically expand your existing business...


Flyers, brochures, your business card, or the Internet, where up to 1.4 billion+ web surfers.will read your site at one time or another... all of them potential customers!

But it's all a waste if your copy isn't FIRST CLASS.

You'll just be spinning your wheels, not sure why things just aren't working out as you hoped.

That's why I wrote a simple ebook with a plan of how to draft winning copy! Check it out.

Great day and great job today,


Saturday, April 18, 2009

Thank You Susan Boyle!

Maybe you’ve met her, along with the over 4 millions u-tube viewers!

A few weeks ago, Susan was alone and lonely. She freely admitted she’d never even been kissed. And at 47, life had nearly passed her by.

One glance at the woman and you could take off into imagination judgments, all over the board!

After all – haven’t our social environments, movies and TV taught us that successful people are good-looking, intelligent, talented and, l … cool?

And haven’t they also taught us that people who look like Susan are dim-witted, ungifted, worthless?

You have to see it to believe it: the judges, the audience, scoffed.

When Susan dared share her dream of singing on stage, most people only snickered at her …

When she said she would audition for the British version of American Idol, the laughing grew louder …

Because, after all: Everyone knows that singing stars never, ever look like Susan.

Then I knew how she effected me and what I had to do next.

I too was moved to tears, with appreciation, admiration and heart-felt “you go girl!” sentiment that tingled up and down my legs!

The truth is, people, what is reflected from others, demonstrates the feelings we need to deal within ourselves.

For me, Susan reflected my own fears of being an underdog, but why?

Because I believed I was.

I believed I was less than others, beneath those who told me so. More importantly, I learned not to ask for the contract, the money, the dream - and you know what else?

Most of the time, I didn’t even know it (90% of our actions are motivated by our subconscious!) “You won’t get it anyway, Patricia! And if you did ask, they’ll screech at you for asking and making their lives les miserabe!

Well you get the drift.

I’m certain Susan Boyle no longer feels like the underdog - at her age, I think she understood there comes a time to step out on that stage and sing for her life.

If you haven't heard her, please check her out here:

Thank you Susan Boyle!

Friday, April 10, 2009

Meet This Single Mom, Retired at 30!

I am so excited about what I've found! I've been really eager to share this with you. Your world is about to change as I introduce you to two people with incredible stories of financial freedom, success and millions plus they're totally authentic, real people just like you and me!

They captured my attention when I learned they haven’t always lived in wealth and abundance - they were once seekers too! Along the way they learned, designed and implemented the most powerful tools available anywhere to bust through blocks that separated them from wealth.

The result? Two people who could be retired for life (even in this economy) but they're not because they want to help you, me and everyone they can enjoy the same amazing abundance.

Let me share a quick highlight of their stories:

She started out selling baby wipes out of her junky green minivan when she was 21, by 27 was selling deals in excess of $100,000,000 and retired for life as a single mom by age 30.

He's a leading expert in the transformation of subconscious blocks utilizing cutting-edge tools that only spiritual masters and mystics have known.

Together, they are a husband and wife and a powerhouse team with a radio show that catapulted to #4 on iTunes after only 3 months on the air. Their names are Kristin and David Morelli.

Why do I believe all of this matters to you?

Click on this link and watch a brief video of Kristin and David sharing in their own words what they have in store for you. Find out what I mean when I say, "Your world is about to change..."

Patricia Ogilvie

P.S. by the way, I was lucky enough to have a coaching session with them. And in 5 seconds! Yes, 5 seconds, David pinpointed my dense, dark, heavy block to my receiving abundance and money! And the tools in my arsenal now are making shifts for me almost like energized magic. It is true – Everything is energy and it’s time to shift. Check their short video because more is coming!

Twitter: Why use Another Social Networking Tool? Micro-blogging using 140 characters to tell your followers what you are up to.

So what is the big attraction?

Probably because everyone else is doing it!

You can use it send people to your blog, site, announce workshops and more. You can also share that you just grabbed a cuppa and donut at Tim’s. Or you got out of the tub, shiny and clean! – Is that what you want the world to know? Maybe.

Here is what some internet marketers are doing.

The use Twitter to track information and interview content for e-books and articles. They use to shorten URL’s.

They use it to spread the latest news. And Mr. Kutcher, Demi Moore herself used it to help a woman from injuring herself. Kind heart that she is.

I read recently that Saul Colt, VP FreshBooks Marketing says that Twitter is an easy way to find out what your customers are thinking and doing.

Use their tool, to track what other Twitter users are saying about you, or keep track of what they are doing without being a follower.

And this is interesting too.

You know how powerful submitting articles can be to your business presence. Well twitter now has a writing article facet as well. Check out

I’m directing you to my twitwall site – I haven’t posted anything yet – I’m all for ezine articles personally. In fact, check out the latest of mine here:

Anyway, I’m wandering here. Not wondering, wandering.

You’ll get out of Twitter what you put in.

Test it, have fun, and despite Twitter seemingly useless tweets, you can use other applications to make it easier to manoeuvre in. I use to scan easily what’s happening. I also use This categories tweets into manageable chunks. So when I need some content for my blog or article, I go into a heading and find out more links and info that will support a new idea.

Wait – there’s more:

Did you know you can add pictures? Add photos using Twitter – and don’t forget to shorten the URL through Now what is this? This site allows you to shorten and track URL’s as well as who is visiting your links. It also keeps track of the top 10 links with the most clicks in the last hour. Good info especially for those who love info!

Wow, head swimming?

Have a tweet day, and great job everyone!

Patricia Ogilvie
Follow me on Twitter!

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Funny Thing Happened On My Way to Work

Are there Auto Bargains out there? Right Now, Absolutely!

Check this out:

Honest to goodness, if it weren't for my passenger confirming what I saw, I wouldn't have believed it.

This Hybrid - little box on wheels - whipped by me doing over 120 kilometers. I thought she was a mini flying saucer hydo-planing (levitating) at least a foot off the pavement.

There she was, gone!

I wanted you to know that if you still dream of that sport car, the hybrids are becoming sleeker, faster, and cheaper than ever.

And check out these deals. Especially today.

Stay cool,

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Bored or Worried At Home? - Here's The Best Yet!

I'm serious!

What if You could add a Few More
Hundred dollars to your bank account?

I do a lot of research for copywriting, web creation, salesletters, SEO and the like.

What I discovered recently blew me away.

Here's how to write your own money-making websites, part-time (or full –time, if you wish).

Get all the details and instructions from the comfort of your home.

You don’t need to spend much. You don’t need any specialist knowledge. You simply need to write about something that interests you. That’s it.

Want to know what it is?

Find out how you could add $500 - $5000 to your monthly income. Create a second source of income for your family that will always be there month by month and year after year. And then get out as much as you wish!

Simply go to and check this little baby out!

great job today!

Love Patricia

Keyword Search - A Dime A Dozen?

Searching for keywords is time consuming. And how do you know if what you "think" people are searching for are by searchers who will purchase your wares or simply peekers?

Here's a great blog article that explains more. And he offers a link into a free tool that will do just that - show you if your keywords are for profit or information only.

Any questions or you want some help with your site ranking?

Send me a note to

Great job today!


Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Salesletter Architecture

Many writers have many ideas of what works best in a salesletter. The standard comprises these elements:

1. Get attention.

2. Arouse the emotions (people buy purely out of emotion and not logic).

3. "Show & Tell" an interesting story - short story called a lead.

4. Offer a sales argument to prove the results you say they'll get.

5. Ask them to take action immediately and do what your salesletter is designed to do - sell, phone, go to, click here, or just plan ask for more information.

In order for this process to work for you, you must add one more important element: your own special rhythm and energy to the letter.

And let me clarify first what I mean by salesletter:

Salesletters can be:

- your web page
- your direct mail package
- postcard
- ad
- advertorial
- whatever you design to attract attention

So back to rhythm and energy. You have a way about you that oozes out of your words. I think you know what I mean. Your readers pick up on that.

Are you smooth, persuasive?

Are you blunt and loud?

Are you loving, caring and want to make a difference?

Heck, maybe your greed is coming through.

Whatever your style and tone, you will get what you put out there. Be it junk, value, truth or dare.

So take a moment to notice how you feel just before you write.

It'll surprise you.

Have a great day, and catch you later,


Thursday, February 19, 2009

To Follow Or Not to Follow

Does this Ring a Bell?

Maybe I should have called this to allow or not to allow!

What a boob! Yeah, I admit it, my actions the first time I learned about backlinks and blogs was a disaster! It was almost 2 years now since buying a process from a woman selling how to set up and blog your way to riches.

So I did – bought the program, set up my own blog, this one you're reading now.

The woman invited us to comment on our results on her own blog. Thing is, I can’t remember her right now and I think I know why.

I commented. I wrote how wonderful her program was and I must have used my new blog link and like phrases over and over. I didn’t know better. I thought I was backlinking to my own blog effectively.

She erased my comments and didn’t even bother to write me about the etiquette of back-linking. Hah!

I was a customer. I was new, and she chose to ignore me instead of retraining me.

First point – please don’t ignore your customers no matter how much they don’t know about your system.

Second point - I learned about backlinks eventually from someone else. Mike from Profit Lance explained the system to me in a way that was easy to understand and I could apply almost immediately. Check out his process if you’re interested in developing online marketing affiliates or your own products.

So what’s a backlink exactly?

Backlink is simply a link from another website to your own site. The best way is to get links naturally is by writing quality content that other webmaster’s want to link to your website. You could write it on their blog sites or in articles, press releases, and more.

About commenting on other peoples’ websites and blogs:

Yes, you can increase your page rank when you get high quality backlinks to your website.

Most blogs and some websites allow you to leave a comment. You can usually add your website link and this helps in terms of getting some traffic (if your comment is interesting enough) and increasing the number of backlinks to your site.

However, you need to know if where you’re writing has an attribute called “nofollow” which stops your link being counted as a backlink.

If so, don’t bother – really – it’s as effective as you hitch-hiking west to Vancouver and sticking your thumb out on the other side of the highway – facing east! Will you get a ride? Nope.

This tag was invented to prevent spam comments and you can check for the presence of this by viewing the source of the page and searching for “nofollow”. Despite this, there are still many blogs and websites where you can get the benefit of a backlink.
Here is a list of blogs that do follow to help you get started.

The "dofollow movement" originated in opposition to the rise of nofollow.

Dofollow bloggers are bloggers that agree to manually moderate their blog comments and remove the nofollow tag. What this means for promoting your Web site is that you should spend your time commenting on dofollow blogs. It is difficult to find dofollow blogs, they are very rare, most blogs are nofollow by default.

There are also Dofollow search engines available to solve this problem. Dofollow search engines (specifically those for blogs) allow you to search a list of only approved dofollow blogs. The best way to use one is to search for the keywords that you hope to have your site rank for. Once you've found a good post to comment on, leave a quality comment. Once they have approved it, you will earn a dofollow link. Dofollow links count with search engines as a vote for your site and will help you rank better in search results.

great job today!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Analyze This!

A lot of businesses believe that optimizing web sites is costly. The truth is, most of the services and applications are currently free to help you optimize your site.

Google has the top Analytic tool today. Catch a lot of the discussion at Google's blog:

Most business use these tools to count traffic and they exclaim heartily, "Wow, got 10,000 hits this month!"

But the question is, "How many did what you asked? Purchased, clicked onto your ezine, called you?"

Google Analytics can help you measure the effectiveness of your marketing messages and improve the quality of your marketing - online and even off.

Basically, place phrases and words (digital tags) on the pages you want to measure and identify behaviour.

For example, enter the words, "professional party organizer" and in another part of your site, "party developer" and see which link invites more visitors. Google Analytics will create statistics for you with any amount of phrasing.

The ones that work to convert your visitors into customers are the ones you want to focus on your sites.

Hope you like stats - there's a ton to be gained and improve your marketing strategies.

have a great day and success to you!

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Guest Article: Newsletter Success

10 Tips To Make Your Newsletters A Sure-Fire Success"

1. Sending out newsletters is one of THE best ways of building relationships with clients. Email is quickest and cheapest so it’s the one I personally prefer most of the time. That said, email is a funny thing – you need to make sure your email newsletters aren’t too heavily sales based. Make sure to include lots of free tips and tricks for clients (as well as your latest offers) so that they look forward to them arriving and open them with anticipation of picking up some new bit of info.

2. Your weekly newsletters are doing lots of your work for you. They are relationship building between you and your clients. If you’re sending them via email, try to make sure to send them each and every week. Even if you’ve run out of time, and it’s just a short tip for the week and nothing else, never skip a week if at all possible. Keep that relationship up and over time you’ll find more and more of them book in regularly.

3. Are you adding all your new clients to your email list? Every single new client or enquiry should be added onto your list. That way you’ll get the best coverage and the most responses.

4. Statistics show that most people only read about one in every 4 emails they receive properly. So if you are sending them a weekly newsletter, they are probably only reading one of them fully once a month. This doesn’t mean you should drop your frequency down to once a month though! If you do this, that means they would only be reading one email from you once every 4 months... which really is not very often! So keep it at once a week and know that you’re getting at least one quality bit of contact with your clients per month.

5. There’s been lots of research and most statistics show that it takes between 5 and 7 contacts with a new client before they want to book or buy. So if you add a new client on your mailing list, it might be several weeks before they then book in to see you. But remember if you don’t put them on your mailing list, you won’t have any contact with them and they may never book. So add all new clients on asap.

6. Getting some clients unsubscribe from your newsletter? Not a problem. It’s very common with email marketing that clients will unsubscribe when they are too busy to read your emails. HOWEVER, it’s also very common for clients to wish to re-subscribe later when they’ve got more time or energy to devote to whatever it is you are offering them. So always be polite and never take an unsubscription personally. If you’re highly professional and always welcoming they may well be back in the future.

7. If someone asks to unsubscribe from your newsletter but you can’t see their email address on your list, ask them if they have an alias or another email address. Many people now days have 3 or 4 different email accounts and if they’ve subscribed to your newsletter under a different email address, you’ll need to know what that is to remove it.

8. ... >> to read the rest and get the last 3 tips go to >>

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Rebecca Kepple specializes in helping business owners massively increase their client base and profits. To get instant access to her free insider secrets seminar ‘The Top 7 Secrets for Massively Increasing Your Client Base' visit:

Friday, January 30, 2009

The Top Strategy To Stay Sane In Your Business

Reading about marketing and optimization and finding the best software to help build web sites into sought-after content can get overwhelming.

So I shifted to some self-development books lately and found out that they all have this underlying premise:

Are you having fun?

Got me thinking – that’s what life’s about – enjoying what we do and living moment to moment in that bliss.

I hear your grumbling, “Yeah, that’s pretty hard. Try it in my shoes!”

Nope – won’t fit – and neither should you try on anyone else’s shoes.

Only you know what you do to enjoy your life more.

What would happen if you took more vacation time off?

What’s your real reason for setting up a web site, business or stay employed?

Who else do you know could help you get more business?

The bottom line is, enjoy yourself because this illusion you live will end sooner than you think and then what? What are you missing out on?

Have fun, enjoy your life and when you need extra help optimizing your websites, visit me at for some tips.

Great job today,

Friday, January 16, 2009

But must change your Mind!

Before I go into detail about SE - Search Engine Optimization - I wish that all your efforts at getting your web site or any marketing materials work wonders for you.

Only when you are "feeling" good about allowing the clients, customers and of course moneeey into your life will more come in. I'm serious - if you want tecnology, income, success, you must first believe you already have it. Only then will it come in greater amounts to you. Here's why I say this.

In order for all your efforts at optimizing your web sites and writing persuasive copy for your marketing materials, you need only to change your frame of mind and your way of thinking into that of already being a success.

Becoming successful and rich is something that originates in the mind. The difference in mindset and thinking habits between those who are rich and those who stuggle is as simple as what you believe you deserve.

I'll make some reading recommendations in the next blog post. In the mean time I wish to give you some insight into what SEO - Search Engine Optimization is and how it can help your online exposure.

In a nutshell, EEO is the process that helps you increase the ranking of your website in Google’s (or another search engine’s) “organic” search results.

If you’re wondering what's “organic” as it applies to search results, let me explain …

There are two ways a web page can appear on a search engine’s results page.

One is if the search engine like Google, places it there because you are paying for it with a PPC - Pay Per Click - ad.

Here's an example of a PPC ad. Go to Google and do a search for the phrase “holiday.” Just under the blue bar, in the right hand column, you’ll see the heading labeled “sponsored links.” And directly underneath them, you’ll find the PPC ads.

A second way is when the search engine determines your Web page is relevant from a specific keyword or phrase being searched.

Because these are complementary search results, and show up on the results page naturally, they’re referred to as “organic.”

SEO is the process that improves your organic search results. This is done by strategically placing specific keywords or phrases into your words.

Now here's the 5 step PROCESS to develop SEO copy for any of your web pages:

  1. List the key phrases you'll use in your web page. How do you find them? You can go to these free google software applications and find out who's typing what words from your niche market, and
  2. Write out key "titles" and "subtitles" you would like to include on your web pages that comprise the keywords that people are asking for. I'll go into detail in a later ezine of how to develop the titles.Make them good titles!
  3. Write the copy for your web page first - big picture to narrow - free flow - then insert the key phrase headlines and subheads throughout. Note: search engines ignore and's or buts so they don't count for anything.
  4. Go into your current web page, Right Click, View Source and find key phrase density you are currently using. If the new ones you've developed aren't in your keyword density groupings, change the density phrases to your new suggestions Note: should be a 5.5% word density per 250 word count.
  5. Use 5-7 keyword tags for the blue metatags line above web site (white list concept - so search engines don't ban you) (more on that later as well).Extra note: add incoming links - search engines love links, links, links.

There you have it in a nutshell - SEO.

Enjoy and until next time, great job today!
