Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Analyze This!

A lot of businesses believe that optimizing web sites is costly. The truth is, most of the services and applications are currently free to help you optimize your site.

Google has the top Analytic tool today. Catch a lot of the discussion at Google's blog: http://analytics.blogspot.com

Most business use these tools to count traffic and they exclaim heartily, "Wow, got 10,000 hits this month!"

But the question is, "How many did what you asked? Purchased, clicked onto your ezine, called you?"

Google Analytics can help you measure the effectiveness of your marketing messages and improve the quality of your marketing - online and even off.

Basically, place phrases and words (digital tags) on the pages you want to measure and identify behaviour.

For example, enter the words, "professional party organizer" and in another part of your site, "party developer" and see which link invites more visitors. Google Analytics will create statistics for you with any amount of phrasing.

The ones that work to convert your visitors into customers are the ones you want to focus on your sites.

Hope you like stats - there's a ton to be gained and improve your marketing strategies.

have a great day and success to you!

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