Wednesday, April 28, 2010

How Cost Effective is Social Media Really?

In the space of a day you can map out the launch of your brand new product, jot down ideas for your web copy, design your signature USP story (unique selling proposition), and outline your year's worth of content which you’ll include with your business benefits.

Plus, decide on which of a variety of ways to repurpose your content for an endless supply of newsletter articles, blog posts, tweets and more.

Phew... sounds like work. Wait, there's more.

Now you need to figure out which social media you want to utilize to cast that wide net showing yourself to the world.

I have fully utilized social media -- for myself and for my clients -- with sites like Digg, StumbleUpon, Twitter, FaceBook, Ezine and more. I used to think it was cost effective but I’ve since recognized that there are elements that we tend to forget about – like our time!

Here then is an educational and entertaining item that explains why social media marketing is not free, never has been and never will be.

So please take a few minutes to check out the slides by Olivier Blanchard.

And I really hope you will because it's important you understand this to be successful in your business.

Great job today,


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